Would you accept delivery of only 60% of a new car you paid for? SO WHY would you CHOOSE to go with the seemingly cheap is20 satellite option, and only get approx 60% of what you paid for. (This is why VBR Satellite Channels are misleading)
How would you feel if you discovered that you are only being delivered around 60% of what you are paying for a month 100% of the time for your new Satellite TV channel on is20? Would you say this was fraud, scam or misleading?
This is what many new satellite channel owners are discovering after signing contracts for their satellite TV channels at crazy low rates offered by certain IS20 Satellite vendors who chose to mislead clients.
“WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT” you are thinking right now, let us dig in and explain.
“You get what you pay for broadcasting on satellite”
With ever shrinking budgets everyone is trying to lower rates. but for quality broadcasting the fact remains you can’t discount below cost to reduce costs.
THUS some is20 satellite vendors started to offer VBR bandwidth. (VBR is Variable bit-rate where on average they only deliver around 60% of what you pay for 100% of the time) VBR allows them to offer you lower prices BUT this comes at your expense and your channels visual quality, a fact you discover after the ink on the contract is dry and there is no backing out. They in effect fooled you to get your money.
VBR means you are GUARANTEED to NOT get 100% of the bandwidth you pay for 100% of the time. It’s the vendor using technical jargon to take advantage of you and prey on your lack of deep DVB broadcasting technical experience.
With satellite you are being sold a satellite TV channel by bandwidth, eg 1mbps or 2mbps this is the data rate of the encoded video. Which is GREAT if it is CBR (constant bit-rate, where you get 100% of what you pay for 100% of the time)
If you are being sold VBR 1mbps means approximately 0.6mbps in reality. BUT did the sales person tell you this before pushing you to sign up with them, and likely throwing in some other “free” stuff to entice you.
CBR is ethical and honest. It delivers you 100% of what you are paying for 100% of the time.
CBR is ethical and honest. It delivers you 100% of what you are paying for 100% of the time.
CBR also means higher visual quality than VBR channels that are sold with the same mbps spec
CBR shows you the vendor is playing open cards and wants you to get what you pay for
Purple Turtle has only ever offered CBR Constant Bit-rate channels since 1998 when we started, as its the most ethical option and is inline with our Purpose of helping develop quality long lasting new channels by using smart technology.
You need to ask yourself, if a vendor is selling VBR which is in effect misleading you and ripping you off, what else may they be doing down the line after they have you signed up and contract bound?
So to summarize:
VBR – You get approx 60% of what you pay for 100% of the time
CBR – You get 100% of what you pay for 100% of the time
IF you want a partner that will help you develop your channel, offering a straight no smoke and mirrors solution of quality, and a vendor with a 100% success rate of new channels launching with us staying on air (yes the other vendors cant claim this fact, every wonder why?), then contact Purple Turtle to find out more. We help your viewers view media in new ways. VBR Satellite channels are misleading.
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