Satellite Uplink truck SNG/DSNG from South Africa and Africa (Digital Satellite News Gathering) satellite uplinks made simple, taking your video live to the world via satellite or IP delivery.
Usually when you hear you have a broadcast need planned or happening from the Africa region, ones stomach drops as you start to anticipate the frustrations in communications with suppliers, finding trust worthy suppliers, sorting out ground logistics and all the way just crossing your fingers that nothing goes majorly wrong before the end of the broadcast event so you can live to see another day. Purple Turtle is here to try help reduce some of that stress with our in-depth African Experience with these types of productions. Allow us to lighten your load and pressure. We bring a new dimension to television live from Africa.
SNG Solutions in Africa
Purple Turtle SNG services in South Africa has their own SNG trucks and portable satellite uplink flyaway systems used to do deploy into Africa. This way we can always ensure the quality of service and are in full control of the systems as each system is sent out with a Purple Turtle Engineer to ensure quality levels. DSNG systems are modular and hence we can package a solution for each client’s needs and at the same time saving on weight for cargo/excess baggage not having to ship items not needed. This is a further cost saving to the client. Purple Turtle DSNG also has the unique option of flying our SNG’s ourselves via Purple Turtle Aviation. This means zero chance of Cargo smashing equipment in transit, lower customs delays as well as lower turn around times. Purple Turtle is the only SNG provider offering this unique option taking the term “Flyaway” literally.
Purple Turtle SNG Africa, the only airborne SNG service.
Why choosing Purple Turtle Communications is the wise choice?
- Owned and operated 100% in-house
- Modular weight saving SNG flyaways in Africa
- SD and HD DSNG package options
- Fully managed solutions end to end, taking care of all the logistics along the way for you.
- The only SNG provider in Africa to own their own Aircraft for SNG transport.
- Stress free deployments
- Uplink solutions in Africa, South Africa
- Live broadcasts from anywhere with less stress
- Satellite Uplink onsite where you need it
- Option of DSNG to live streaming
- Option for DSNG to DVB over IP delivery (broadcast over internet, saving downlink costs)
- Business broadcast made easy
- Webcast, multicast, broadcast we have a solution for you
Contact us today to find out more.
Read about what we have been upto and other useful information.
World 1st, Live SNG Satellite Broadcast from the edge of the Victoria Falls
Challenges with SNG mobile satellite uplinks and broadcasting live from Africa