Purple Turtle Aviation’s UAV and Drone Services South Africa is pleased to announce another 1st in the region in our Live Broadcast Drone for Broadcast Television and high end tv/film shoots.

The current problem with many of the drones on the market is they lack many of the technical standards, quality and versatility required in the demanding live broadcast TV production work flows. Because of this drone in live broadcasting have never really been taken seriously, Until our Live Broadcast TV drone.

The problems off the shelf drones suffer from are:
  1. Poor quality video link that are susceptible to breakup and interference from Wi-Fi in the area.
  2. Below par lenses quality lacking for broadcast demands
  3. Inability to control the camera on the drone from a CCU and RCP in the Outside Broadcast Truck.
  4. Inability to have focus and zoom functions that are worthwhile on smaller drones
  5. Limited flight times of off the shelf drones
Enter the Purple Turtle UAV and Drone Services, South Africa’s new Live Broadcast Drone offering:
  1. CCU control via custom RCP to allow for Colour control, iris and other camera setup and control from inside the OB truck
  2. Zoom lenses on the drone with focus control to allow depth of field to be used for better effect.
  3. Solutions with unlimited flight times as well as expended flight times for free flight
  4. 4k Broadcast quality Pro-res video quality .
  5. Broadcast quality live video link from drone with professional broadcast systems used by many of the world outside broadcast trucks currently.
  6. 20 years in broadcast industry experience behind Purple Turtle Aviation

The Purple Turtle Aviation Live Broadcast Drone for TV is ideally suited for any live outside broadcast, sports, reality TV and anywhere else you want to give your production a different look without the massive costs of helicopter rental.

Solutions are customized for each production to help customers achieve their targets and objective sin the best possible manor.

Contact Purple Turtle Aviation, UAV and Drone Services, Port Elizabeth, South Africa to find out more. Or visit our website for more information.

Or read about some of the other UAV Drone based solutions and services information and news:

