Want to broadcast your next event live but SNG satellite uplink trucks and satellite space is to costly? Try our IP-SNG, IP based broadcast trucks and flyaway in South Africa. Go live from anywhere to anywhere at DVB Broadcast quality with high stability and SAVE MONEY! Connected broadcasts with VOIP and internet on the side.
Times are changing and so is technology and most of all budgets for broadcast. Gone are the days when a broadcaster could just order a satellite uplink truck and go live, now budgets are scrutinised and looked over a second time. That coupled with global exchange rate changes we have seen fewer South African and African clients using expensive satellite for live events.
Out of this our IP-SNG Truck was born.
What is the IP-SNG truck? It’s the same as the traditional DSNG satellite truck BUT it uses the internet to broadcast over. Now wait before you snigger “internet like that works” We agree the internet is not always dependable especially for bandwidth intensive demands. So we have worked to solve that issue to the point where the bandwidth can be trusted.
All our IP-SNG Trucks and systems make use of bonded internet connections. We take a crazy amount of LTE connections across multiple networks as well as LAN (when available on site) as well as Wi-Fi (when available as well) and use them all for the broadcast. So if even 2 cell phone networks die (which is very unlikely short of the zombie apocalypse lol) the broadcast goes on uninterrupted.
You also have the benefit of full internet and VOIP lines on the truck as well as you would expect from a Satellite uplink truck in the 2000’s.
The signal can go anywhere in the world as well even areas satellite can’t reach.
At the receptions site, we install our software on your server and it connects and receives our broadcast video and gives it to you on UDP multicast on your LAN and can be decoded by most good broadcast decoders to SDI signals, so the system is fully interpretable with your existing broadcast systems making it simpler.
Give our IP-SNG solutions a try for your next live event, broadcast, church event, corporate broadcast or anywhere else you want to broadcast CONTACT US TODAY