Purple Turtle was approached by FlowTV of the TBI group South Africa for a solution for delivering their channel FlowTV to Sky in the UK for broadcast on satellite. Their current Telkom dedicates leased line circuit was creating major packet loss thus affecting their video to the point that the channel was off air for major periods of time affecting viewership as well as broadcast partner’s interests.

Their specific requirements:

  • Deliver their SD channel to the UK without any breakup
  • Save money on the solution
  • Deploy it yesterday


  • Network issues on clients dedicated line network
  • Cost of alternative leased fibre routes


Purple Turtle had just the solution for the client as it’s a service we do on a daily basis and have a 3 year proven track record to show the technology works. Rather than dealing with the clients Telkom leased line we opted to rather go another route. Client had an existing fibre leased internet line coming into their office.

Through use of Purple Turtle Global Connect video delivery packet management software we informed the client that we would not use their leased line to the UK but rather we would use public internet on their office line to deliver their broadcast channel to Sky in the UK. As you could imagine the clients face was less than pleased with using the internet. We assured the client it would not only work but work better than their current expensive leased line. As you could well understand the client was sceptical so we offered to do a week free trial for them.

We made use of existing hardware and broadcast encoders the client had around to avoid costs and deployed the solution.  We also implemented a link monitoring system visual display as well as SMS notifications system for the client that sends them an SMS if there are any distribution problems so they are aware of problems and where the problems are before they get the call that there is a problem.


The difference was immediately seen and the client received many calls from the UK praising the stability right after the demo link went live. Tweaking was done to finalise the solution and the client was ready to adopt the system full time. Best of all the solution saved the client money on a monthly basis. Currently, the client sees 99.9% uptime (stats for 1 Feb to 1 March 2015) and this is using public internet and not leased lines.

For more detailed info on this project and others please contact us directly

