Choosing an is20 Satellite provider. – How to avoid “selling your soul to the devil”

With many choices out there today how do you make the right decision when choosing an is20 satellite provider for is20 satellite FTA DTH, so you will not regret it later? We get asked this many times by clients who consult with us.

Our Clients

This is what we tell them.
  1. Don’t be distracted by PRICE only. Shiny, flashy low prices are designed to distract you. Check the small print in-depth, understand their meaning and consequences. NOTHING worthwhile is “cheap” this is a fact. Don’t accept low prices and end up selling your soul to a devil.
  2. How to know if the solution is “cheap” is it in line with the market offerings?
  3. Does the solution provider share your vision, and what do they do the aid that vision and grow it?
  4. Is the provider your partner or just a supplier collecting monthly money from you?
  5. Are you treated like an account number or a real person?
  6. Does your supply build a relationship with YOU as a person?
  7. How is support handled? Do you have direct access to decision makers or stuck dealing with low level support?
  8. Contracts are they written in simple English or complicated Lawyereese? Careful of complex legal terms that can entrap you, holding signatory liable for debts.
  9. Careful of contract terms that escalate on breach or early termination
  10. FREE SERVICES DANGER!!!! Again, nothing in life is free and there is always small print for free things. Some providers contracts state they can bill you for free and OR discounted services should contract be terminated, IS IT REALLY FREE THEN no! And if you getting a service for free can you demand service and quality? Not really since you get what you pay for.
  11. Is your provider on the cutting edge of technology and will they keep you there (without extra costs) or leave you behind as technology advances?
  12. Can you ask your provider for advice on all aspects of running a TV channel or are they just service supplier and nothing more, thus forcing you to hire consultants at extra cost?
  13. Does your provider make provision for when things go wrong financially? To allow you the ability to end your contract early and with dignity when the unforeseen happens without legal threats and fights?
  14. Does your provider offer you the ability to manage your costs when times are hard rather than going off air?
  15. Does the supplier want to push you to start ASAP and quickly? OR do they work with you to make sure you ready to launch well and succeed by working with you to ensure you ready? CAREFUL of suppliers that offer to put you on air in 24 or 48 hours. A successful TV channel happens through planning over time and not over night. Don’t be pressurized into starting quickly for any reason.

The planning phase of starting your channel is KEY, do it well and you succeed, get distracted by shiny specials and you could be yoked incorrectly for the duration of your contract affecting your effectiveness being unequally yoked.

Purple Turtle Media’s KEY focus is QUALITY PERSONAL support for existing and new channels.

Our pricing is fair, and we are not always the cheapest around (we are not MacDonald of TV with cheap quick offerings that leave your vision unfulfilled after) our service is unrivaled (ask our clients they are our best sales people)

We may not be the biggest around but pride ourselves on being the most connected with our clients to further our mutual big picture vision and goals. Our focus is to on an ongoing basis, develop and grow the broadcasters who broadcast with us.

Purple Turtle’s success rate for launching new channels is 100%

We don’t want new channels to fail as as such work with and guide new channels on how to be successful.

We trust the above points may help you make the right decision for your Vision to keep your vision FREE of bondage.

BUT for MORE info on STARTING Your Own TV Channel visit our dedicated section on this HERE

Contact us today to ask us the above questions to see for yourself if we are the best matched provider for your vision and needs

OR or follow us on FACEBOOK to find out how we can help you take your vision to reality

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