As your business grows so does the challenges of remaining connected with your staff at your different branches. Costs rise for training as you need more staff to travel to central places for specialist training. Conferences to get managers on the same page for vision also adds up costs with travel, hotels and everything else surrounding these type of events. How do you overcome these challenges, keep staff connected and keep a reign on runaway costs? Corporate Live Event Business Broadcasting is one way to deal with this problem.

How does Corporate Television Live broadcast work?

It allows you to connect many sites live to one site. Eg your head office to all satellite branches and allows the satellite branches to view live what’s happening at HQ in real time as well as having the option to ask questions from HQ in real time as well. The massive advantage of this is you can reach your offices around the world in one broadcast. No longer do satellite offices have to feel second best missing out on things, they are part of the main event live broad satellite broadcast. A camera systems (OB outside broadcast) is setup at HQ as well as a broadcast facility brought in for the day of the broadcast so you don’t need to have anything in place to do a business broadcast via satellite. The signal is then broadcast live from site via a satellite uplink truck (Satellite News Gathering Satellite Trucks SNG) onsite and direct to your branches.

I don’t do many live events but do a lot of training how can corporate television business broadcasts help me?

Yes it can. In the same way as a live event is captured by camera and broadcast, training can be done in a similar way, more cost effective as well than a live event. This option connects a trainer with your branches live allowing the trainer to do the presentation with their usual presentation media and your remote branches view. Then when the branches have questions they are able to interact in real time back with the trainer to clarify questions. This has massive benefits as it allows you to broadcast more often for training and saving transport and accommodation and venue costs each time.

I like the idea but the sound of satellite sounds expensive and we are a small company on a budget.

This is not a problem, contact us and we will be able to advise you different options. We offer solutions from high end HD live satellite broadcast to more budget but as good online solutions as well. The technology we use allows internet broadcasts without buffer making it extremely effective for this application.

For the unique clients with specific custom needs Purple Turtle is able to custom build a solution around your needs to achieve your objectives fully.

Contact us today to find out more and get your company connected together.

