With the Global explosion of drones and UAV’s comes the very real concern for the safety of “real” aircraft and airspace security. After all the new small drones are playing in the big boys airspace and are really guests in it. So how do you fly a drone as a guest in the airspace, prevent incidents and increase safety all around. This was the very question Purple Turtle UAV Drone Services asked ourselves as we move into the RPAS ROC operational field in Southern Africa.

As real world airplane pilots ourselves we were very aware of how one feels flying an aircraft and an unidentified aircraft comes whizzing by. So the thoughts of doing this to other pilots with a drone was a worry for us. Through this journey Purple Turtle Aviation UAV and Drone services South Africa were awarded the Southern Africa resellership for Uavionixs which is a range of ADSB and Mode S transponder products specifically designed for UAV and Drones. These devices are the perfect solution as it allows you to SEE other Traffic and BE SEEN by other traffic inside or outside of controlled airspace. So you are always aware of other Mode S ADSB equipped aircraft in your area while conducting drone operations.

What is Mode S ADSB and how does it help? Rather than conducting a mini lecture on this topic we though it best to include the link to Wikipedia for you https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aviation_transponder_interrogation_modes#Mode_S

Purple Turtle Aviation were assigned the very 1st Mode S Transponder S Codes for UAV and drones by the South African CAA on the 14th March 2017 allowing us to start safer operations in controlled airspace. Yet another South African First for Purple Turtle UAV and Drone Services South Africa.

To find out more of what we up to or more information on our services and solutions please feel free to contact us directly


